Interior Painting
Please refer to our services page for a description of our painting process for each service.
All prices include labor and paint.
All listed prices are “ballpark” figures to give a good idea of our general pricing for typical rooms. Prices can change for excessive furniture, extensive prep time, etc.
**If you wish to schedule a free estimate to find out the exact cost of your project, please fill out the form on our services page!**
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
Small Bathroom 6 x 6
Wall Surface*
190 sq ft
Ceiling Surface
36 Sq Ft
Door and Casing
Per Side
Window Frame
24 Ln Ft
Small Room 10 x 12
Wall Surface*
350 Sq ft
Ceiling Surface
120 Sq ft
Door and Casing
Per Side
Window Frame
44 Ln Ft
Medium Room 12 x 15
Wall Surface*
430 Sq Ft
Ceiling Surface
180 Sq Ft
Door and Casing
Per Side
Window Frame
54 Ln Ft
Large Room 15 x 20
Wall Surface*
560 Sq Ft
Ceiling Surface
300 Sq Ft
Door and Casing
Per Side
Window Frame
70 Ln Ft
*All Wall Surfaces are figured for 8′ high ceilings.
If you have 10′ high ceilings then add 25%.
If you have 12′ high ceilings then add 50%.
If you have 14′ high ceilings then add 75%.
Prices are ballpark figures to give a great idea of cost. Exact prices are provided after free estimate.